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Из Топика » Программы » McFunSoft Video Capture v6.0.0.139
McFunSoft Video Capture v6.0.0.139

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McFunSoft Video Capture v6.0.0.139

Программа захвата видео с предлагаемых вами устройств, - DV, TV-тюнера, цифровой видеокамеры, видеомагнитофона, аналоговой видеокамеры, USB-камеры и PCI плат захвата, с сохранением его в виде файла AVI, любого кодека сжатия: DivX, XviD, MS MPEG 4, Uncompressed, Cinepak..., или в WMV, любого профиля. Возможен захват отдельных кадров, применение эффектов, нанесение на фильм надписей и "водяных знаков", а так же запись с сжатием "на лету" и т д.

McFunSoft Video Capture is a useful application that enables you to record video files, images and sound into AVI video files. You can capture desired images, sound and video files from TV Tuner card, digital video, digital camera, USB cameras, PCI capture card, etc. The captured video files can be saved as AVI (using any compression codec) or WMV (using any desired profile) format. You can also capture single frame images and perform a list of operations to captured files such as apply graphic and text overlays, pause/resume during video capture operations, on-the-fly video capture compression, etc.

McFunSoft Video Capture Key Features

Capture videos from DV, TV Tuner, digital camera, USB cameras and PCI capture card...


Capture video from most-used video capturing devices.
Capture both Video and Picture.
Add a set of amazing video effects.
Add title on the Video.
User-friendly interface that is easy-to-use.
Browse videos on the main panel.
preview and record real-time video Watch TV (installed TV tuner desired).
Auto-tune TV channels.
Customizable codec, video size.
Record video and even sound (audio device connected).
And much more!

Capture capabilities

Combine powerful image and video capture capabilities with the most powerful image editor,
you could receive the un-distorted output quality.

Capture devices

Capture videos from DV, TV Tuner, VCR, Analog Camera and other video capturing devices.

Other functions

Add video effects.
Add title on the Video.
Add watermark on the video.
Browse videos on the main panel.

Available media formats

Output Formats:

AVI (DivX, XviD, MS MPEG 4, Uncompressed, Cinepak and others)
ASF (Advanced Streaming Format)

Более подробно: http://www.mcfunsoft.com/mvcp

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Новость из портала NNM.Ru (NoNaMe)
www.Topic.lt/2008/06/09/mcfunsoft-video-capture-v6.0.0.139.html URL - R.K. Frimen

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